Open Source UAS Ground Control Station Software for Government

What is QGC-Gov?
Ground Control for Trusted Unmanned Vehicles
Control unmanned air vehicles that are trusted for use by the US Department of Defense and the US Federal government. QGC-Gov is fully RAS-A compliant.
Collaboration Platform
Full source code access is provided. You can collaborate to deliver new features and integrate with new hardware.
Open Architecture Interoperability
QGC-Gov uses Robotics and Autonomous Systems – Air (RAS-A) MAVLink Control Link Interoperability Profile (IOP) to enable interoperability between different air vehicles, including models from different manufacturers and different types (rotary wing, fixed-wing, VTOL).
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A Rich Ecosystem Of Collaborative Projects

Get in Touch
For any questions regarding this program, including access, terms and conditions, content, and limitations, email the Blue UAS team.
For technical issues with the portal or GitHub contact Auterion.